Emma’s Footprints
Who we are: We are an organization whose vision is to establish supportive relationships with mothers wounded by pregnancy or infant loss. Our intention is to start those relationships by meeting the tangible and often unexpected needs that arise during such difficult times.
What we do: Our services differ depending on the particular family and circumstance. Some examples include covering funeral expenses, purchasing memorial trees, providing referrals to faith based and reputable counseling services, in addition to simply answering difficult questions like “Why me?" and "How do I cope?"
If you or someone you know has suffered a loss and need more information: contact Amanda Berk at amanda@emmasfootprints.com
How you can help: Pray for these families and for our staff as we serve the brokenhearted. After training, there are several ways you can help such as organizing and carrying out fundraising activities, putting together care packages, or joining our Care Team.